Our Services
My Adventure-Event Organizer Pro specializes in organizing sports events and activities.
The excellent training of the partners combined with the high standard equipment guarantees the perfect implementation of the event with safety and quality.
Technical services
- Demarcation, mapping, marking and route clearing/preparation
- Support & refreshment stations with isotonic drinks, water, energy gels and snacks suitable for athletes
- Provision of special nutrition planning for long distances, for the correct energy coverage of athletes
- Recovery meal after the end of the race
- Match Secretariat staffing with qualified partners
Electronic services
Online registration system
Registrations are done electronically, easily, directly and quickly in a secure banking environment with a debit or credit card.
The athletes, after their successful registration, automatically receive their digital participation card, with the athlete number (BIB number) via email.
The website/micro-site includes all the necessary information regarding each sporting event, such as:
- Route information (with map, GPX files, altitude records of routes, etc.)
- Presentation of the race area (with tourist and other information)
- List of participants: the list is updated in real time, every time a new athlete is registered. It is possible to download/retrieve the athlete's participation card
- Presentation of available registration packs
- Current race results
- Results from previous years (archive)
- Information about the athletes' feeding stations
- Race terms and regulations
- Presentation of audiovisual material (photo & video gallery)
- Possibility of issuing a digital certificate of athlete participation per race
Creation of an independent website or micro-site
Availability of logistics & technical equipment
- Race start-finish arch
- Setting up a guardrail covered with a banner of the race and the organizers/sponsors
- Sound system for microphone installation and music coverage of the race
- Provision of a vehicle on a case-by-case basis with an electronic timing clock
- Secretariat equipment (canopies, table seats, stationery, first aid kit, etc.)
Promotion & Advertising
- Technical t-shirts with colors, race & sponsor logos and size variations
- Custom designed awards cups with
- Specially designed athlete medals
- Souvenirs with the logo of the organization (eg backpacks-hats-badges-mugs etc.)
- Design and production of graphics for posters, banners, prints
- Production of integrated audio-visual material for the match/event (video promo, trailer, teaser, short/long-length video, documentary)
- Promotion throught the Company's website and social media pages
- Photo coverage by professional photographers & videographers
- Media announcements-press releases (electronic and print, TV, radio), interviews and TV reports, classified ads on social media
- Promotion on sports sites with special listings
- Invitation of elite athletes for the promotion of the race/event
Human resources
- Availability of a journalist to cover the race or event
- Disposition of a DJ for the musical coverage of the race / event, and the entertainment of the audience
- Technical staff to manage race timing and set up the arch
- Special Rescue and First Aid Team-Red Cross-Samaritan Volunteers Department
Exhibition grounds (EXPO)
- Exhibition kiosks
- Climbing wall (artificial track) for children and adults under the guidance of specialized partners
- Children's races (running, cycling) for children aged 5-12 years.
- Concerts and music festivals, exhibitions, documentaries, and other informative and cultural activities.
- Other events & happenings